133 Articles
Automakers are offering more fuel-efficient cars than ever

Consumer organization says increases in gas mileage are proof CAFE standards are working.

Even with gas prices near their lowest point in more than a decade, Americans are still concerned about the fuel economy of their cars. More than 4 in 5 consumers say gas mileage will be an important consideration the next time they go shopping for a vehicle.

Americans enjoy cheapest gas prices in 12 years

Every licensed driver in the country saved $45 in the first quarter of 2016, says AAA.

Who says the American love affair with cars is dead? Gasoline is cheap, and Americans are driving more miles than ever. New data shows that motorists in the United States paid their cheapest quarterly gas prices in 12 years in the first three months of 2016.

Can't see at night? It's your headlights, not your eyes

Only 1 car in 31 tested had headlights that received good marks from Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Having trouble seeing while driving at night? It may not be your eyes. Headlights on most new cars are downright terrible, according to the findings of a new study. As a result, motorists aren't getting the illumination they need to see the road and avoid obstacles at night.

AAA says 3 in 4 American drivers are afraid of self-driving cars

Google's most recent autonomous accident won't help ease fears.

Google said Monday one of its self-driving cars bore at least some responsibility for an accident earlier this month that involved a bus in Mountain View, California. The collision represents the first time one of the company's autonomous vehicles has been at least partially responsible for a crash.

Gas price drop accelerates

The American Automobile Association says that gasoline prices are they lowest they've been for this time of year since 2009, the average price for a gallon of gas was $2.66 on July 31.

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